First Trimester

by Sarah

Congratulations!! That’s so exciting!… That’s what everyone says as soon as you tell them the news that you’re expecting a baby. Not a single person tells you that it is going to be ABSOLUTELY miserable. Now, I’m not saying that to be dramatic, every pregnancy is different, but it is most definitely not the sunshine and roses that you see on TV. From my experiences, the first trimester is the worst of the three and I am going to tell you all about the stuff no one tells you about before you get pregnant.

First things first, you find out you’re pregnant. Woohoo! Then, you call your OBGYN and tell them you got a positive pregnancy test and need to schedule your first prenatal appointment and they tell you, you have to wait until you’re 8-10 weeks and they schedule you an appointment for at least a month away. What!? You have to wait a whole month just to verify and see your tiny baby for the first time?? Yes, and let me tell you that is the longest wait EVER! You will be counting down the days several times a day.

Now, you want to share you excitement with family and friends but you don’t want to get everyone all excited before you know its officially official, so you either decide to tell a select few or no one at all. Well, what now?? This is when all the unspoken things start to happen in your body. You will start feeling very bloated and have really bad indigestion. This leads to gas pains like you have never felt before. You will feel so uncomfortable and miserable and if you haven’t told anyone yet, you can’t even explain to people why you want to stay in your pajamas all day.

Then, for most, morning sickness will start! Morning sickness can be different for everyone. My first pregnancy I only had “morning sickness” when I drove in the car and I really never actually got sick. Now, with my second pregnancy, I felt like I was hit by a train with morning sickness and physically. I was sick from the minute I woke up to the time i fell back asleep and I also felt like I was ran over by a bus. Just ABSOLUTELY MISERABLE! For me, all of this eased up after about 3 weeks and I would just have the occasional feeling of nausea. Continuously eating snacks throughout the day really does help with the nausea but for some of you that have it really bad, they do make medications your doctor can proscribe. The good news is, almost all of this stops when you get into your second trimester!

I advise downloading a pregnancy tracker app. They have a lot of good information and help explain the things you may be feeling like I mentioned earlier. Some people can experience light spotting during the first trimester as well and this can absolutely be normal but always best to call your doctor to let them know. I did not have any spotting with my first pregnancy but I did have spotting for about 4 days with my second. my doctor ran some tests and my baby is completely fine. Your body is changing rapidly when you are pregnant, so do what makes you comfortable, its okay to give into your cravings occasionally and take a nap or go to bed early. You are doing a lot of hard work!

We are women! We are strong! We can do anything we put our minds to! Just keep your head up, know what you are experiencing is normal (even though its awful) and there is a light at the next trimester! Only 12 weeks and by the time you feel this way you’re already half way there! You Got This Mama!

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