About Me

By Sarah

Hello there! I am so happy you are here reading my blog and I hope the information I share with y’all will help, even if it’s just a little. I know I have non-stop researched sense I found out I was pregnant with our first baby and I have found advise from all over the spectrum of very helpful to not helpful at all. My goal is to provide all the information I have learned and that has worked for me in hopes to help provide helpful and needed information to those who are looking for it!

My name is Sarah and I am 32 years old. I got married at age 29 and we found out we were having our first baby at age 30. My Husband is a full time hard working software engineer, so I am lucky to be a stay at home mom with our son! However, being a stay at home mom comes with its challenges, not only are you mom but also daycare teacher. As a first time mom you don’t realize what all that actually entails until you’re standing there, looking at your baby like “I don’t know what I’m suppose to be doing”.

Thankfully, there are plenty of ways to research all things baby and like I said, I did A LOT of research. My goal is to use this blog to help put all that research to good use and help out other mommas who are just like I was. Now, I also know that many people have more going on then just a single baby at home, I also have 3 dogs, 2 inside Sphynx cats, 1 outside barn cat, and 7 chickens that me and my husband also take care of. We have a very full day to day life and I plan to share and hopefully help with all the information we have learned! I hope you enjoy my blog!

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